

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., Rachael K. Hinkle, and Michael J. Nelson.  2023.  The Elevator Effect: Contact and Collegiality in the American Judiciary. Oxford University Press.

Link to Oxford University Press 

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Pritchett Award for the best book in Law and Courts, Co-Winner 2024.

Hinkle, Rachael K., Morgan L. W. Hazelton, and Michael J. Nelson.  May 16, 2017.  "Getting to Know You - The Unifying Effects of Membership Stability." SCOTUSBlog. 

Featured in ABA Journal - August/September 2023 and New Books Network Podcast .

Hazelton, Morgan L.W. and Rachael K. Hinkle. Persuading the Supreme Court: The Significance of Briefs in Judicial Decision Making. Kansas University Press. 

Link to Kansas University Press 

Link to Amazon 

Pritchett Award for the best book in Law and Courts, Honorable Mention 2023.

"What influences the Supreme Court? Here’s what we learned." Oct. 2, 2022.  The Washington Post - The Monkey Cage.

Reviewed in Interest Groups & Advocacy, Perspectives on Politics,  Political Science Quarterly, and Law & Politics Book Review .

Featured on SideBar Podcast and New Books Network Podcast.


Hazelton, Morgan L. W., and Rachael K. Hinkle. 2024.  "What Social Science Can Teach Us Regarding Briefing." Legal Writing 28.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W. 2023. "Seeing the Supreme Court as a Whole Institution: Law and Social Science."  Saint Louis University Law Journal 67(4).

Hazelton, Morgan L. W.  2023. "Case Resolutions in the Shadow of Court-Ordered Litigation Costs."  Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 179(1) (Invited).

Michael J. Nelson, Rachael K. Hinkle, and Hazelton, Morgan L. W. 2022.  "How Interpersonal Contact Affects Appellate Review."  Journal of Politics 84(1).

Hazelton, Morgan L.W., Rachael K. Hinkle, and Michael J. Nelson. January 2022. "Appeals Judges Only Rely on Ideology When Reviewing Judges They Don’t Know Well." The Journal of Politics Blog.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W.  2021. "Judicial Impact and Factual Allegations: How the Supreme Court Changed Civil Procedure through the Plausibility Standard" (formerly "Quit Your Complaining? Considering the Impact of Supreme Court Decisions on Strategic Litigants").  Journal of Law and Courts 9(1). 

Hinkle, Rachael K., Michael J. Nelson, and Morgan L. W. Hazelton. 2020. "Deferring, Deliberating, or Dodging Review: Explaining Counterjudge Success in the U.S. Courts of Appeals." Journal of Law and Courts 8(2).

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., Rachael K. Hinkle, and James F. Spriggs. 2019. "The Influence of Unique Information in Briefs on Supreme Court Decision-making." Justice System Journal 40(2).

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., Kristin E. Hickman, and Emerson H. Tiller. 2018. "Panel Effects in Administrative Law: A Study of Rules, Standards and Judicial Whistleblowing."  Southern Methodist University Law Review 71(2).

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., Rachael K. Hinkle, and James F Spriggs, II. 2017. "The Long and the Short of It: The Influence of Briefs on Outcomes in the Roberts Court.'" Washington University Journal of Law and Politics 57.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., Rachael K. Hinkle, and Jee Seon Jeon. 2016.  "Sound the Alarm? Judicial Decisions Regarding Publication and Dissent." American Politics Research 44(4).

"How One Circuit Court Judge Can Stop a Higher Court from Establishing a Legal Precedent." July 6, 2016. London School of Economics United States Politics and Policy Blog.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., Jacob M. Montgomery, and Brendan Nyhan. 2016. "Estimating the Effect of Contributions on Judicial Decision-Making: Evidence from the North Carolina Supreme Court." American Politics Research 44(4).

Ordway, Denise-Marie. January 17, 2017. `"Judges: How election financing affects judicial behavior." Harvard Kennedy School - Shorenstein Center on Media Politics and Public Policy Journalist's Resource.

Drutman, Lee. Sept. 16, 2015. "Public financing of judicial elections worked. Too bad North Carolina ditched the system." Vox.

Martin, Andrew D., and Morgan L. W. Hazelton. 2012. "What Political Science Can Contribute to the Study of Law." Review of Law & Economics 8(2).

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., Rachael K. Hinkle, and Andrew D. Martin. 2010. "On Replication and the Study of the Louisiana Supreme Court," in Palmer, Vernon V. "The Recusal of American Judges in the Post-Caperton Era: An Empirical Assessment of the Risk of Actual Bias in Decisions Involving Campaign Contributors." Global Jurist 10(3). 

Other Publications

Hazelton, Morgan L.W., Michael J. Nelson, and Rachael K. Hinkle.  2023. "First Monday Among Friends? Long-standing Relationships Make Supreme Court Justices Less Disagreeable." 3Streams Blog, Medium.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W. 2022. Book Review of Kerri Lynn Stone, Panes of the Glass Ceiling: The Unspoken Beliefs Behind the Law's Failure to Help Women Achieve Professional Parity. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022) for Perspectives on Politics.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W. Spring 2022.  "Using tf-idf and Cosine Similarity to Compare Legal Texts."  Law & Courts - Newsletter of the Law & Courts Section of the American Political Science Association 32(1).

Windett, Jason, Jeffrey J. Harden, Morgan L. W. Hazelton, and Matthew E. K. Hall. Oct. 22, 2020. "Amy Coney Barrett is Conservative. New Data Shows Us How Conservative." The Washington Post - The Monkey Cage.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W. July 3, 2020. "BLM Protests: Can Trump Send the Army?" Observatory of Current Crises - SLU, Madrid.

Consulted for Ordway, Denise-Marie. March 21, 2017. "How to Tell Good Research from Bad: 13 Questions Journalists Should Ask."  Harvard Kennedy School - Shorenstein Center on Media Politics and Public Policy Journalist's Resource.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W.  2017. Book Review of Michael A. Zilis, The Limits of Legitimacy: Dissenting Opinions, Media Coverage, and Public Responses to Supreme Court Decisions (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2015) for Political Science Quarterly 132(1):170-171.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W. Summer 2016.  "The Politics of Pleadings and Plaintiffs: the Promise of Studying Trial Courts."  Law & Courts - Newsletter of the Law & Courts Section of the American Political Science Association 26(2).

Selected Works in Progress

Shane A. Gleason, Morgan L. W. Hazelton, Rachael K. Hinkle, and John J. Szmer. "A Fresh Perspective: Legal Team Diversity and Brief Quality at the Supreme Court."

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., "Strategy and Supreme Court Decision Announcements."

Windett, Jason, Jeffrey J. Harden, Morgan L. W. Hazelton, and Matthew E.K. Hall. Oct. 22, 2020. "Amy Coney Barrett is Conservative. New Data Shows Us How Conservative." The Washington Post - The Monkey Cage.

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., Chryl N. Laird, and Molly J. W. Wilson.  "The Effect of Argumentation on Attitudes."

Hazelton, Morgan L. W., and Adam S. Myers. "Another Seat at the Table? The Determinants of Congressional Authorizations for Federal District Judgeships."